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Ed. Horia Hulubei, Măgurele, Aprilie 2019
978-606-94603-7-5 (tipar)
978-606-94603-8-2 (on line)
Tiparita la CNI CORESI, București

"Rândurile de mai jos sunt justificate de dorința de a explica nevoia unei traduceri în limba română. Tot odată este oportun să insistam asupra importanței tratamentelor de conservare prin iradiere pentru România, precizând că acestea sunt apelabile de către orice posesor de artefacte de patrimoniu, oricând și nemijlocit, prin grija Ministerului Cercetării care a decis că echipamentul necesar este unul de interes național și prin constanta dedicație a Institutului Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizică și Inginerie Nucleară Horia Hulubei..."

versiunea originală IAEA în limba engleză: Uses of Ionizing Radiation for Tangible Cultural Heritage Conservation


Archaeopress Publishing Ltd, London, April 2019
ISBN 978-1-78969-196-2 (print)
ISBN 978-1-78969-197-9 (e-Pdf)
Printed in England by Oxuniprint, Oxford

"The departing point of this volume is 5th Balkan Symposium of Archaeometry (September 25 – 29, 2016, Sinaia, Romania), where most of the papers were presented in preliminary form. The contributors are specialists from the Balkans as well as from other European countries working in the Balkans. Some focus on discussing and developing methods (in the research of glass, restoration of stone monuments affected by contemporary graffiti, disinfection of organic materials such as wood and human and animal body remains). Most chapters present case studies (analyses of ceramics, metals, glass, soils, wood anatomy, human paleodiet and ancient DNA, radiocarbon dating, technology assisted field survey, as well as restoration of paper and pigments and irradiation conservation methods). Sometimes several methods are combined. While the volume might not cover quite all the aspects of heritage sciences in the Balkans, it is nevertheless a fair mirror of their present state ... "

The book is available both in print and Open Access from the website:

Master of Science in Cultural Heritage Materials & Technologies (CultTech)

The MSc in Cultural Heritage Materials & Technologies (CultTech) is a collaboration between the Department of History, Archaeology and Cultural Resources Management (University of the Peloponnese), the National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos" and the National Observatory of Athens. A key issue for CultTech is its orientation towards hands-on research, thus offering post-graduate research training and the potential for the implementation of a diploma dissertation closely related or within ongoing research projects.

The programme takes place in Kalamata, Greece. Apply at until September 15, 2018

For more information, check out our website ( and our facebook group (CultTech-MSc in Cultural Heritage Materials, UOP) or contact us at and (0030) 27210 65145

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DEC 9-12 2018

3rd International Conference on Techniques, Measurements and Materials in Art and Archaeology 2018

The third Art&Archaeology International Conference is to be held in Jerusalem, Israel, on December 9-12, 2018; its main objective is to bring to light recent R&D results in the analysis methods that advance the frontiers of knowledge connected with human cultural heritage. Heritage is our legacy from the past. It is our source for understanding the human mind, its capabilities and potential. Knowledge of the past influences our present day life and what we pass on to future generations.

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SEP 25-28 2018


25-28 September, 2018 - The workshop will take place at the National Museum of Slovenia – Metelkova (Narodni muzej Slovenije – Metelkova), Maistrova 1, Ljubljana. Its main topics are: analytical techniques for characterization of materials, science-based dating methods, non-invasive prospecting, GIS applications, experimental archaeology, preservation of cultural heritage, materials: lithic, ceramic, organic, archaeometallurgy, Mmultidisciplinary investigations

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IUL 16-20 2018


16th – 20th July 2018 at University of Bologna, Ravenna Campus, Italy - Towards an European infrastructure on heritage science: advances in the characterization, diagnosis and treatment evaluation of heritage materials - The IIIrd IPERION-CH Doctoral Summer School (IIDS3) is organised by the IPERION-CH Italian Node and is aimed at transferring the advanced knowledge so far achieved by the IPERION-CH research and access activities.


- Application form

IUL 10-13 2018

18th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics and Materials Science

10-13 July, 2018, Constanta, Romania - The 18th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics and Materials Science aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Applied Physics and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.

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- IBWAP POSTER July 2018 Daniela Stan.pdf

- IBWAP POSTER July 2018 Bogdan Constantinescu.pdf

- IBWAP POSTER July 2018 Paul Mereuta.pdf

IUN 14 2018


Workshop dedicat centenarului ROMANIEI si Anului European al Patrimoniului Cultural

- Program

- Prezentari

MAY 23-25 2018

YOCOCU - YOuth in COnservation of CUltural Heritage

YOuth in COnservation of CUltural Heritage - 2018 - 6th edition - will take place in Matera (Italy) from the 23rd to the 25th of May.

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NOV 25 2017

Simpozionul "ArheoVest"

Asociația ArheoVest Timișoara, în colaborare cu Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara, organizează, în data de 25 noiembrie 2017, Simpozionul "ArheoVest": Interdisciplinaritate în Arheologie și Istorie, Ediția a V-a: In Honorem Prof. Univ. Emerit Doina BENEA.

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NOV 16-18 2017

The 2nd Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage Conference

The 2nd Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage Conference will be held in Palermo, Italy, from the 16th to the18th of November 2017, the aim of the conference being to promote a mindful consideration of ecological, economic and social aspects of conservation practice. International study cases will be presented to offer an interesting insight into new technologies and products, encouraging the exchange of knowledge.

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NOV 9-10 2017

3D Imaging in Cultural Heritage

As part of the European network IPERION CH, a two-day conference will be held at The British Museum, London, on 9-10 November 2017. The aim of the conference is to explore the use of different 3D imaging methods and their wide-ranging applications in cultural heritage. Areas which will be covered include the visualization of objects and areas with optical techniques, X-ray CT scanning, the role of 3D imaging in the restoration of artifacts and low-cost 3D scanning techniques. The conference will also look towards the future of 3D imaging, and the potential of emerging technologies to impact the field of cultural heritage research.

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OCT 11-13 2017

NINMACH 2017 - Neutron Imaging and Neutron Methods in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage conference

The 2nd Neutron Imaging and Neutron Methods in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (NINMACH 2017) conference will be held between 11-13 October 2017, in Budapest, Hungary, organized by the Budapest Neutron Centre. The registration and abstract submission can be done via the INDICO conference management website at

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SEP 13-14 2017

Tehnologii şi inovaţii actuale pentru patrimoniul cultural

Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Textile Pielărie, Sucursala Institutul de Cercetare Pielărie-Încălţăminte, Bucureşti, Centrul de Pregătire a Conservatorilor şi Restauratorilor - CePCoR, Complexul Naţional Muzeal ASTRA, Sibiu, Asociaţia Română “Ştiinţa şi Patrimoniu Cultural în Conexiune” (i-CON) organizeaza a V-a ediţie a Seminarului şi Atelierului Internaţional Tehnologii şi inovaţii actuale pentru patrimoniul cultural in perioada 13-14 septembrie 2017 la Centrul ASTRA pentru Patrimoniu, Muzeul în Aer Liber – Sibiu. Evenimentul este organizat în cadrul activităţilor de diseminare ale următoarelor proiecte de cercetare: INHerit (PNCDI II 325/2014), KOLLART (PNCDI III 168/2017), PRO-ART (PNCDI III 162/2017) si NUTECO (C5-11/2016 IFA CEA). Colaboratori: Institutul Naţional pentru Fizică şi Inginerie Nucleara - Horia Hulubei (IFIN-HH), Magurele, România.

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IUL 9-22 2017

CultTech Summer School on Cultural Heritage Materials and Technologies

The CultTech SUMMER SCHOOL is organized by the Laboratory of Archaeometry of the University of the Peloponnese, Kalamata, Greece. The language of the programme is English and the duration is two weeks (9-22 July 2017). Undergraduate and postgraduate students from all scientific fields are welcomed to apply. The CultTech Summer School will serve as an introduction to the interdisciplinary fields of Cultural Heritage Technologies, Archaeological Science, Digital and Multimedia Applications, following a modern and holistic approach. The registration deadline is 30 June 2017. For further information please visit our website or contact us at and (0030) 27210 65145.

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IUL 4-7 2017

The 2nd Iperion CH Doctoral Summer School (FID2S)

Held in Paris on 4-7 July 2017 and organized by the Iperion CH French node, the 2nd Iperion CH Doctoral Summer School (FID2S) will provide advanced lectures focused on research activities dedicated to the development of innovative instruments and diagnostic strategies to enhance both scientific investigation and conservation strategies of cultural heritage materials. The lectures will be held at the C2RMF, located inside the Louvre palace, at the heart of Paris.

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IUN 30 2017

CultTech MSc programme

The CultTech MSc programme is organized by the Laboratory of Archaeometry of the University of the Peloponnese, Kalamata, Greece. The language of the programme is English and the duration is one full year. Students from the fields of archaeology, cultural heritage management, conservation, materials science and engineering are welcomed to apply. The application deadline for the MSc in Cultural Heritage Materials and Technologies (academic year 2017-2018) is 30 June 2017.

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FEB 1 2017

Cel de-al Doilea Simpozion Franco-Roman de Tehnici Nucleare pentru Conservarea Patrimoniului Cultural

In cadrul “Celui de-al Doilea Simpozion Franco-Roman de Tehnici Nucleare pentru Conservarea Patrimoniului Cultural” organizat de Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Fizica si Inginerie Nucleara Horia Hulubei (IFIN-HH), Magurele, si Atelier Regional de Conservation (ARC-Nucleart), Grenoble, Franta, care se desfasoara la Institutul Francez din Bucuresti, vor fi anuntati castigatorii concursului „Impreuna salvam patrimoniu cultural romanesc” editia 2016 si vor fi sustinute prezentari si dezbateri pe tema tehnicilor nucleare aplicate la recuperarea si conservarea patrimoniului cultural."

AUG 15 2016

Concursul "Împreună salvăm patrimoniu cultural românesc" - 2016 - Ediția I

Institutul de Fizică Atomică (IFA), Institutul Național de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Fizică și Inginerie Nucleară "Horia Hulubei", Asociația Muzeelor din România, Comisariatul pentru Energie Atomică și Energii Alternative (CEA), Institutul Francez din București și Atelierul Regional de Conservare ARC-Nucleart organizează un concurs pentru restaurare obiecte de patrimoniu din lemn.

Datarea cu radiocarbon


Izotopul de carbon cu masă 14 (14C), cunoscut și sub numele de radiocarbon, este unul dintre izotopii instabili cu utilizarea cea mai răspândită în lumea științifică. Notorietatea sa provine în principal de la faptul că este folosit ca “ceas” în estimarea vârstei anumitor probe istorice şi preistorice. Acest potenţial al metodei a fost pentru prima dată semnalat de Willard F. Libby în revista “Science” din luna mai 1947, iar prima datare cu radiocarbon a fost raportată în 1949 tot de către Willard F. Libby ...detalii

Analize compoziţionale

analize compozitionale

Metode de spectrometrie atomică:
• Fluorescenţă de Raze X (XRF) folosind spectrometre fixe (analize elementale în laborator) şi portabile (analize in situ - direct în muzee, galerii, colecţii);
PIXE – (Proton Induced X-ray Emission) - Emisie de raze X Indusă de Protoni de 3 MeV; prin colaborări internaţionale: micro-PIXE şi micro-SR-XRF (Synchrotron Radiation - X-Ray Fluorescence); elemente analizate: de la magneziu la uraniu; cantitate minimă detectată: 5-10 ppm (părţi per milion)

Tratamente cu radiaţii ionizante


Iradieri gamma - IRASM
Constituenţii organici ai obiectelor de patrimoniu cultural sunt o sursă de hrană pentru microorganisme şi insecte. Accidente sau condiţii de depozitare improprii pot conduce la atacuri biologice masive în muzee, arhive sau biblioteci, acestea fiind greu de înlăturat din cauza volumului mare de obiecte contaminate. Tratamentul cu radiaţii are un avantaj major: gradul ridicat de penetrare al radiaţiilor asigură certitudinea efectului biocid în volum ...detalii