- Mapping energy spectra of Coulomb interacting bi-particle systems using multi-target regression methods
G. A. Nemnesa, T.L. Mitran, A.T. Preda, V.V. Baran, D.V. Anghel, I. Ghiu, M. Marciu, A. ManolescuIC-MSQUARE 2021 (2021)
- Prediction of electronic properties and stability assessment of mixed-cation mixed- halogen perovskite materials using artificial neural networks
N. Filipoiu, T.L. Mitran, D.V. Anghel, M. Florea, I. Pintilie, A. Manolescu, G.A. NemnesICMMT 2021 (2021)
- Prediction of physical properties in CoCrFeNiAlx high entropy alloys using artificial neural networks
Nicolae Filipoiu , Tudor Luca Mitran, George Alexandru NemnesCMD2020GEFES mini-colloquium. Artificial Intelligence for Condensed Matter Physics (2020)
- Gap Prediction in Hybrid Graphene-Hexagonal Boron Nitride Nanoflakes Using Artificial Neural Networks
G.A. NEMNES, T.L. MITRAN, A. MANOLESCUTIM19, Timisoara (2019)
- Optimizing ab initio DFT simulations by machine learning methods
T.L. Mitran, G.A. NemnesEPS SNPD, Stockholm (2019)
- Prediction of electronic properties by machine learning techniques
G. A. Nemnes , T. L. Mitran, A. ManolescuIBWAP 2019, Constanta (2019)
- Speeding up atomistic DFT simulations by machine learning methods
T.L. Mitran, G.A. NemnesICASC 2019 (2019)
George Alexandru NEMNES, Tudor Luca MITRAN, Daniela DRAGOMAN18th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics and Materials Science (IBWAP), July 10-13 2018, Constanta, Romania (2018)
George Alexandru NEMNES, Tudor Luca MITRAN, Daniela DRAGOMANTIM 18 Physics Conference, May 24-26 2018, Timisoara, Romania (2018)
George Alexandru NEMNES, Tudor Luca MITRAN, Andrei MANOLESCU, Daniela DRAGOMAN18th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics and Materials Science (IBWAP), July 10-13 2018 , Constanta, Romania (2018)
George Alexandru NEMNES, Tudor Luca MITRAN, Andrei MANOLESCU, Daniela DRAGOMANTIM 18 Physics Conference, May 24-26 2018, Timisoara, Romania (2018)
- Investigation of geometry effects in graphene - hexagonal boron nitride nanoflakes by machine learning techniques
George Alexandru Nemnes, Tudor Luca MitranEMRS Fall Meeting, Warsaw, September 17-19, 2018 (2018)
- Ab Initio Investigation of Transport Properties of cis/trans Retinal in graphene nanoribbon structures
C. Visan, T.L. Mitran, G.A. NemnesEMN 2017 (2017)
- Ab Initio Investigation of Transport Properties of Retinal cis/trans Retinal Isomerization
C. Visan, T.L. Mitran, G.A. NemnesIUMRS – ICAM 2017 (2017)
- Electric control of the effective doping in boron/nitrogen substituted bilayer graphene
G. A. Nemnes , T. L. Mitran , A. Manolescu, D. DragomanEMRS 2017 (2017)
- Functionalized graphene-hexagonal boron nitride nanopore for improved DNA sequencing
T.L. Mitran, C. Visan, G.A. NemnesIUMRS – ICAM 2017 (2017)
- Nanopore-based DNA sequencing device using graphene - hexagonal boron nitride hybrid materials
G.A. Nemnes, T.L. MitranInternational Congress on Small Science, San Sebastian, Spain (2017)
- Ab initio DFT investigation of complex structured metamaterials based on graphene and hexagonal boron nitride
T.L. Mitran, G.A. Nemnes26th IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Statphys 26 (2016)
- Design of nanomechanical sensors based on carbon nanoribbons and nanotubes in a distributed computing system
C.M. Visan, T.L. Mitran, G.A. Nemnes, I.T. Vasile, M.A. DuleaThe 7th International Conference "Distributed Computing and Grid-technologies in Science and Education" (GRID 2016) (2016)
- Graphene - hexagonal boron nitride metamaterials based on periodic screw dislocations
T.L. Mitran, G.A. NemnesEMN Summer Meeting 2016 (2016)
- Ballistic Electron Transport in Wrinkled Metamaterials
- Sudy of physical properties of ZnSe/CdTe heterojunction based photovoltaic cells
S. Iftimie, L. Ion, A. Radu, T.L. Mitran, O. Toma, B. Bita, N. Korganci, S. Antohe9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union – BPU9, 24 – 27 August 2015 Istanbul, Turkey (2015)
- Ballistic scattering on nanoribbons with controlled disorder
T. L. Mitran, G.A. Nemnes, L. Ion, S. Iftimie, A. Radu, D. DragomanE-MRS Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, September 15 - 19, 2014 (2014)
- Ballistic transport in disordered nano-ribbons
T. L. Mitran, L.Ion, D. DragomanInternational Semiconductor Conference (CAS), Sinaia, Romania,14-16 October 2013 (2013)
- Magnetic Behavior and Clustering E ff ects in Manganese-doped Boron Nitride Sheets
T.L. Mitran, A. Nicolaev, G.A. Nemnes, L. Ion, S. AntoheMRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, San Francisco, California, USA, 1-5 April 2013 (2013)
- Magnetic properties and spin transport in hybrid boron-nitrogen-carbon nanoribbons with transitional metal impurities
G.A. Nemnes, T.L. Mitran, A. Nicolaev, C. Visan, L. Ion, S. AntoheAPS March Meeting 2013, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 18-22 March 2013 (2013)
- Magnetic properties and transport in graphene/hexagonal boron nitride hybrid systems
T.L. Mitran, G.A. Nemnes, A. Nicolaev, C. Visan, L. Ion, S. AntoheNew trends in nanophysics and solar energy conversion, Bucharest, Romania 23 - 25 September 2013 (2013)
- CDS / CDTe solar cells prepared by thermal vacuum evaporation
O. Toma, S. Iftimie , C. Besleaga, T.L. Mitran, V. Ghenescu, A. Radu, L. Ion, S. Antohe University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics 2012 Meeting, Bucharest, Romania (2012)
- Effects of ionizing radiations on the performances of CdS/CdTe photovoltaic cells used in space applications
V. Ghenescu, S. Iftimie, C. Besleaga, A. Nicolaev, T.L. Mitran, A. Radu, M. Ghenescu, M.M. Gugiu, M. Radu, S. AntoheAdvanced workshop on solar energy conversion, 21-24 May 2012, Bucharest, Romania (2012)
- Ab initio vibrational and thermal properties of AlN nanowires under axial stress
T.L. Mitran, A. Nicolaev, G.A. Nemnes, L. Ion, S. AntoheAdvanced many-body and statistical methods in mesoscopic systems, Constanta, Romania , 27 June - 2 July 2011 (2011)
- Configuration and thermal properties of AlN nanowires under axial stress
T.L. Mitran, G.A. .Nemnes, A. Nicolaev, L. Ion, S. AntoheE-MRS 2011 Spring Meeting Nice, France, 9-13 May 2011 (2011)
- New investigations applied on cadmium sulfide thin films for photovoltaic applications
O. Porumb, O. Toma, S. Iftimie, C. Besleaga, T.L. Mitran, L. Ion, S. AntoheInternational Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, July 6-8, 2011, Constanta Romania (2011)
- Study of the photovoltaic properties of CdS/CdTe solar cells before and after proton irradiation for space applications
V. Ghenescu, M. Radu, I. Stan, L. Ioan, C. Besleaga, S. Iftimie, T.L. Mitran, C. Tazlaoanu, A. Radu, O. Porumb, M. Ghenescu, M.M. Gugiu, S. AntoheInternational Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, July 6-8, 2011, Constanta Romania (2011)
- Thermal properties of small diameter AlN nanowires in the vicinity of a structural phase transition
T.L. Mitran, A. Nicolaev, G.A. Nemnes, L. Ion, S. AntoheBucharest University Faculty of Physics 2011 Meeting, Bucharest, Romania, 17 June 2011 (2011)
- Atomic configuration and phonon spectrum in some selected BN q-1D systems
T.L. Mitran, G.A. Nemnes, C.M. Visan, L. Ion, S. AntoheConferinta Natională de Fizica - Iasi 23-25 septembrie 2010 (2010)
- Defects generation in CdS/CdTe heterohunction Photovoltaic Cells by High-Energy Proton Irradiation
S. Iftimie, C. Tazlaoanu, M. Radu, V. Ghenescu, C. Besleaga, T.L. Mitran, M. Gugiu, N. Dina, O. Porumb, S. AntoheUniversity of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, 2010 Annual Scientific Conference, Friday, June 18, 2010 (2010)
- Defects Generation in CdS/CdTe Heterojunction Photovoltaic Cells by High Energy Protons Irradiation
S. Iftimie, L. Ion, C. Tazlaoanu, V. Ghenescu, C. Besleaga, T.L. Mitran, M. Gugiu, N. Dina, O. Porumb, S. Antohe11th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, July 7-9 2010, Constanta Romania (2010)
- Defects generation in CdS/CdTe heterojunction photovoltaic cells by high-energy proton irradiation
L. Ion, S. Iftimie, V. Ghenescu, C. Besleaga, T.L. Mitran, O. Porumb, S. AntoheConferinta Nationala de Fizica, CNF 2010, Iasi, 23-25 septembrie (2010)
- Hybrid inorganic/organic solar cells based on CdTe wire arrays and ZnPc
C. Florica , T. Mitran , I. Enculescu , V. A. Antohe, A. Radu , G. Chisulescu , S. AntoheE-MRS 2010 Spring Meeting, Strassbourg, France (2010)
- Deposition and characterization of TiOxNy/ZrOxNy multilayered coatings for biomedical uses
A.Vladescu, M.Braic, M.Balaceanu, V.Braic, C.N.Zoita, A.Kiss, C.Besleaga, L.Braic, T.MitranThe third International Conference on Biomaterials and Medical Devices - BiomMedD 2008, 13-16 November 2008, Bucharest, Romania (2008)