HPD Courier no. 7
20 years of R&D activities for developing a new generation of RPC&TRD. Read more here
20 years of R&D activities for developing a new generation of RPC&TRD. Read more here
"Science for peace and security" is a subject of major importance for society and for the preparation of students, especially from the perspective of their future careers. In a world marked by global challenges, from cyber security and public health to climate change and environmental protection, using science to promote peace and security becomes essential. This year's Magurele Science and Technology Summer School topics cover a wide range of topics in this field, from combating pathogen resistance to antibiotics and natural hazards to discoveries related to asteroids that may threaten the earth or the composition of dark matter. In 2024, CERN celebrates its 70th anniversary. We, at the Summer School, are also marking this anniversary through a series of themes that will allow high school students passionate about science to participate in some of the international projects carried out within the cooperation programs of which Romania is also a part. In 2024, CERN celebrates its 70th anniversary. We, at the Summer School, are also marking this anniversary through a series of themes that will allow high school students passionate about science to participate in some of the international projects carried out within the cooperation programs of which Romania is also a part. Read more here
The latest issue of the Hadron Physics Department Courier is dedicated to CERN 70th anniversary. Read more here
The ATLAS Outstanding Achievements Awards recognise outstanding technical accomplishments by individuals or teams for technical work on detector operation, upgrade, software, computing and combined performance, during the period February 2022 to October 2023. A total of 116 nominations were received for 62 individuals or teams.The selection considers the achievement and its impact on ATLAS, the effort invested, the nominations received, and the result of the pre-evaluation. After an extensive review of many highly deserving candidates, nine awards have been attributed to the individuals and teams listed below. Our colleague Julien Maurer is one of winners of this award for outstanding contributions to the ATLAS prompt reconstruction operation. Julien joined the ATLAS group of DFPE at IFIN-HH in 2013. There, he has worked mainly on experimental searches for Supersymmetry, on the reconstruction of electron and photon signals in the ATLAS detector, and on its operation. One of these recent operational responsibilities consisted in coordinating the reconstruction of Run 3 data at the CERN Tier0 computers farm, soon after its recording by the detector. View picture
The Fast Analog Signal Processor (FASP) ASIC was designed for the CBM experiment at the future acceleration facility FAIR. Details
IFIN-HH congratulates Dr. Gihan Velisa from the Applied Nuclear Physics Department and Dr. Dan Cozma from the Theory Department for receiving two of he awards of the Romanian Academy for the year 2021. On December 7, 2023, Dr. Dan Cozma received the "Stefan Procopiu" Award for the group of papers "Studiul ecuatiei de stare a materiei nucleare folosind ciocnirile de ioni grei" and Dr. Gihan Velisa received the "Horia Hulubei" Award a group of papers gathered together under the name "Studiul aspectelor fundamentale si aplicate ale dinamicii defectelor induse de fascicule de ioni accelerati". View picture
IFIN-HH proudly congratulates Dr. Mihai Petrovici, head of the Hadron Physics Department, for receiving on the occasion of the National Day of Romania an important honour from the President of Romania, Mr. Klaus Werner Iohannis: Ordinul National "Serviciul Credincios" in grad de "Comandor". View the award
Dr. Velisa's research group (IFIN-HH, Romania) in collaboration with Prof. Weber (UTK, US), Dr. Zhang (UTK, US), Dr. Y. Tong (Yantai University, China) and Dr. Zarkadoula (ORNL, US) have advanced the understanding of ionization-induced healing by revealing a substantial annealing of pre-existing defects and restoration of structural order in silicon (Si) from energy transferred to electrons by intermediate-energy incident ions via inelastic ionization processes. Details
The result showcases the power of the LHC to push the precision frontier and improve our understanding of nature. Details
Cristian will face an incredible challenge as he will be in charge of the first RUN 3 Heavy Ion data taking. The ion run is scheduled after 10 weeks with very little Stable Beam time (17h) combined with major components being deployed, integrated and validated with COSMICS, SYNTEHTIC and REPLAY data. Details
On the 7th of March 2023 the Nuclear Physics Department of IFIN-HH celebrates 50 years since the 9-MV Tandem accelerator delivered the first beam.
The accelerator, upgraded during the years, continues to provide stable charged particle beams for the worldwide community producing valuable scientific results.
Facebook post
Primul laborator de criminalistica nucleara din Romania .pdf file
Dr. Iosif Legrand, Senior scientist affiliated to IFIN-HH, working at the ALICE experiment at CERN, recevied the Doctor Honoris Causa title from the Politehnica University of Bucharest on November 24, 2022. .pdf file
After years of preparation, today we started taking data with a fully revamped ALICE detector recording the first 13.6 TeV pp collisions of Run 3. The run is still ongoing. It has been a very exciting day and the event was transmitted live on several social media: Facebook post Youtube link
Informare salariati privind demersurile necesare ale Sindicatului IFIN-HH.
Information for employees regarding the steps required for IFIN-HH Trade Union.
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Informare salariati situatie CCM - IFIN-HH.
Information for employees regarding the CBA of IFIN-HH.
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Gasiti anexat/publicat rezultatul votului din turul V al alegerilor privind reprezentantii salariatilor. Detalii
Please find attached/published the result for the fifth round of elections
for the employees' representatives.
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Informare privind situatia reprezentativitatii Sindicatului IFIN-HH pentru negocierea unui nou Contract Colectiv de Munca la nivelul IFIN-HH.
Information on the status of IFIN-HH Trade Union representativeness for the negotiation of a new Collective Bargaining Agreement at IFIN-HH level.
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Free trial to the EBSCO databases available from Romdidac and the Anelis Plus Association. More details
The Scientific Council of the Horia Hulubei Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH) expresses total disagreement with the invasion and the war in Ukraine. Press Release [EN] | Comunicat [RO]
On 13 of January 2022, an official delegation led by the Romanian Prime Minister Nicolae-Ionel Ciuca visited IFIN-HH. Discussions concerned mainly the future development of the institute and focussed particulary of the ELI-NP facility. More details
Ministerul Cercetarii, Inovarii si Digitalizarii a pus la dispozitie adresa de e-mail: avertizor.integritate@research.gov.ro, adresa la care se pot comunica aspecte referitoare la activitatea institutului care intra sub incidenta averizarilor de interes public, astfel cum sunt prevazute de Legea nr. 571/2004 privind protectia personalului din autoritatile publice, institutiile publice si din alte unitati care semnaleaza incalcari ale legii.
Oxford University Press, via its Romanian partner - ROMDIDAC - and Anelis Plus Association provides free access to the Association member institutions. Read more
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