Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering

IFIN-HH Laboratories

IFIN-HH is the most important institute in the nuclear field. Whenever authorities (or other public or private entities) need our expertise,
the certified laboratories of IFIN-HH deliver fast and reliable solutions.

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MicroLab - IRASM is an independent laboratory for quality control of pharmaceuticals and medical devices. The Microbiology Laboratory (MicroLab - IRASM) is authorized by the National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices to perform microbial load tests, sterility tests and determination of bacterial endotoxins for pharmaceuticals and medical devices. Also, the laboratory is accredited by RENAR in accordance with the standard SR EN ISO 17025 for most tests included in the package of services and has implemented and certified the quality management system in accordance with the standard SR EN ISO 9001, SR EN ISO 13485 and SR EN ISO 11137.


Ionizing Radiation Metrology Laboratory [LMRI]

IFIN-HH is certified as the holder of the National Standard (EN) of the Becquerel unit of measurement for the physical activity size (of a radionuclide), order no. 103 / 08.04.2013 of the Romanian Bureau of Legal Metrology (BRML), Annex 1, and is designated by BRML as the holder of the Primary Activity Standard (Becquerel), according to the list of institutes signatories of the Agreement of the International Committee of Measures and Weights - Arrangement of Mutual Recognition (CIPM-MRA).


Laboratory for Personnel and Environmental Dosimetry (LDPM)

The Laboratory for Personnel and Environmental Dosimetry (LDPM) is part of the Department of Physics of Life and Environment and has 5 units: 1. Personal surveillance unit with thermoluminescent dosimeters (USD-TL); 2. Personal surveillance unit with photodiodes-meters (USF); 3. Unit for measuring the activity of gamma-spectrometric samples (UMAP) extended with working point at the Laboratory from the Unirea-Slanic-Prahova mine; 4. Environmental radioactivity monitoring unit (UMRM). 5. Radiochemistry unit for environmental and biological samples (URPMB).


Physical and Chemical Testing Laboratory [LIFC]

The Physical-Chemical Testing Laboratory (LIFC) is part of the Technological Irradiation Department, IRASM of IFIN-HH and is a laboratory that has the latest equipment and competent staff, thus being able to offer high quality services. The Laboratory of Physico-Chemical Tests (LIFC - IRASM) is authorized by the Ministry of Culture for carrying out the activities of physico-chemical investigations: conservation - physico-chemical investigations. The laboratory staff is involved in the scientific activities within the research projects, contributing significantly to the characterization of the molecular structure and to the physico-chemical evaluation for the qualification to irradiation with gamma ionizing radiation.


Integrated Body for Internal Dosimetry and the Environment [OIDIM]

The Integrated Body for Internal Dosage and Environment - OIDIM operates within the Department of Physics of Life and Environment of IFIN-HH. OIDIRM consists of two laboratories, namely: • Laboratory for Surveillance of Internal Radioactive Contamination - Human Body Counter (LSCIR-CCU) • Laboratory for α, β, γ and radon measurements in environmental samples and radioactive materials (SALMROM)


Radionuclide, Physico-Chemical, Mechanical and Structural Characterization Laboratory

Analyzes Spectrometric range
Determination of tritium concentration in water samples
Analysis of samples by alpha spectrometry
Measurement of global alpha and / or beta activity in the background
Measurement of radon concentration by active methods
Physico-chemical analyzes
Mechanical tests on concrete samples
Structural analysis


Radioactive, Nuclear and Non-Radioactive Materials Testing Laboratory [DRMRLAB]

The main objective of the DRMRLAB activity, to which permanent attention is paid, consists in the competent execution of the tests, so as to meet the requirements of the international standard SR EN ISO / IEC 17025: 2018-General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories and to satisfy the needs customers, regulators or recognition organizations, in order to ensure quality requirements.


Radiocarbon Dating with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry at 1 MV Tandetron [RoAMS]

The RoAMS Laboratory operates in accordance with the Notification of the CNCAN. Accelerator Mass Spectrometry is a technique for measuring long-lived radionuclides that occur naturally or anthropogenically in our environment. AMS is today’s most sensitive isotopic analysis method, and can reach down to 10 -15 rare isotope / abundant isotope. Organic materials up to 50,000 years old are dated. This method has opened a very wide range of applications in various fields: medicine, archaeology, geology, atmospheric physics, astrophysics, nuclear physics, etc.


Nuclear Forensics Laboratory [NFL-RO]

The Nuclear Forensics Laboratory „NFL-RO” was developed in the frame of the European project POC-A.1-A.1.1.1- F2015 – 109640, and is the only Romanian laboratory authorized in this field by the National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN) - certificate nr. LI NFL-RO/2022 – to work with radioactive samples and nuclear materials in order to measure: the activity, isotopic/elemental/chemical composition, age, microstructure, morphology, in-situ radiological characterization, etc. All such measured parameters are essential in criminal investigations regarding nuclear materials and radioactive sources found out of regulatory control. Also, the laboratory continues the activity of the former GamaSpec laboratory by analyzing the radioactivity level in environmental solid and liquid samples.
The quality system implemented in the laboratory is in accordance with EN ISO/IEC 17025.

If you want to find out even more information about our laboratories, please check the following link
