- Photoneutron cross section measurements on 208Pb
Ioana Gheorghe, Hiroaki Utsunomiya, Takashi Ari-izumi, Thomas Aumann, Heiko Scheit, Dmytro Symochko, Patrik van Beek, Martin Baumann, Philipp Kuchenbrod, Nikolina Lalic, Tomas Eriksen, Fardous Raez, Vetle Wegner Ingeberg, Frank L. Bello Garrote, Line G. Pedersen, Wanja Paulsen, Sergey Belyshev, Shuji Miyamoto, Stephane GorielyCarpathian Summer School of Physics 2023, Iulie 2 – 15, 2023, Sinaia, Romania (2023)
- Systematic investigation of photon strength functions with monochromatic γ-ray beams
I. GHEORGHE, D. FILIPESCU, N. LALIC, D. SYMOCHKO, H. SCHEIT, T. AUMANN, H. WANG, G. FAN, S. MIYAMOTO, T. ARI-IZUMI, H. UTSUNOMIYA17th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics -CGS17, Grenoble, France, 17-21.07.2023 (2023)
- Cross section measurements of low-energy charged particle induced reactions using moderated neutron counter arrays, in EPJ Web of Conferences 284, 01015 (2023) ND2022
Cristina Clisu, Ioana Gheorghe, Dan Filipescu, Therese Renstrøm, Esra Aciksoz, Marian Boromiza, Nicoleta Florea, Giulia Gosta, Alina Ionescu, Mateusz Krzysiek, Adam Maj, Constantin Mihai, Alexandru Negret, Cristina Nita, Adina Olacel, Cristina Petrone, Andreea Serban, Christophe Sotty, Irina Stiru, Lucian Stan, Rares Suvaila, Sebastian Toma, Andrei Turturica, Gry M. Tveten, Sorin Ujeniuc, Oliver Wieland, Fabio Zeiser, Franco Camera, and Hiroaki Utsunomiya15th International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND2022) (2022) (2022)
- Photofission and photoneutron cross sections for 238U and 232 Th, EPJ Web of Conferences 284, 04010 (2023) ND2022
Dan Filipescu, Hongwei Wang, Gongtao Fan, Katsuhisa Nishio, Tsutomu Ohtsuki, Ioana Gheorghe, Konstantin Stopani, Anabella Tudora, Fumi Suzaki, Kentaro Hirose, Makoto Inagaki, Marianne Bjørøen, Yiu-Wing Lui, Takashi Ari-izumi, Shuji Miyamoto, and Hiroaki Utsunomiya15th International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND2022) (2022) (2022)
- Photoneutron cross section measurements on 208 Pb, in EPJ Web of Conferences 284, 01021 (2023) ND2022
Ioana Gheorghe, Hiroaki Utsunomiya, Takashi Ari-izumi, Thomas Aumann, Martin Baumann, Patrick van Beek, Philipp Kuchenbrod, Nikolina Lalić, Heiko Scheit, Dmytro Symochko, Frank L. Bello Garrote, Tomas Eriksen, Vetle Wegner Ingeberg, Wanja Paulsen, Line G. Pedersen, Fardous Raez, Sergey Belyshev, and Shuji Miyamoto15th International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND2022) (2022)
- Prediction of prompt neutron spectra of the photon induced reactions on 238U and 232Th targets at incident energies from 4 to 22 MeV, EPJ Web of Conferences 284, 04024 (2023) ND2022
Anabella Tudora, Dan Mihai Filipescu, and Ioana Gheorghe15th International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (ND2022) (2022) (2022)
- Photoneutron reaction data in the Giant Dipole Resonance region
Ioana GheorgheCarpathian Summer School of Physics 2020 Aug 18 – 27, 2021 Sinaia, Romania (2021)
- Determination of Photoneutron Cross Sections for 165Ho Using Direct Neutron-Multiplicity Sorting
M. Krzysiek, I. Gheorghe, H. Utsunomiya, D. M. Filipescu, S. Belyshev, K. Stopani, T. Renstrøm, G. M. Tveten, H. Wang, G. Fan, Y-W. Lui, T. Ari-izumi, S. Miyamoto, H. Scheit, D. Symochko, E. Açiksöz, M. Boromiza, F. Camera, C. Costache, I. Dinescu, G. Gosta, A. Ionescu, A. Maj, A. Negret, C. Nita, A. Olacel, C. Petrone, A. Serban, C. Sotty, L. Stan, R. Suvaila, S. Toma, A. Turturica, S. Ujeniuc, O.Wieland, F.B. Zeiser 21st Colloque GANIL 2019 Strasbourg, September 9th -13th 2019 (2019)
- Energy profile of laser Compton-scattered gamma rays generated at NewSUBARU
T. Ari-izumi, H. Utsunomiya, G. M. Tveten, T. Renstrøm, I. Gheorghe, K. Stopani, S. Belyshev, H. Wang, G. Fan, and D. Filipescu7th Workshop on Nuclear Level Density and Gamma Strength Oslo, May 27 - 31, 2019 (2019)
- GDR cross sections updated in the IAEA-CRP, in EPJ Web of Conferences 239, 01002 (2020) ND2019
Hiroaki Utsunomiya, Ioana Gheorghe, Dan M. Filipescu, Konstantin Stopani, Sergey Belyshev, Hongwei Wang, Gongtao Fan, Takashi Ariizumi, Yiu-Wing Lui, Dmytro Symochko, Mateusz Krzysiek, Shuji Miyamoto, Stephane Goriely, and Toshihiko Kawano2019 International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, May 19 - 24 2019, China National Convention Center - Beijing (2019)
- New 209 Bi photodisintegration data and physical criteria of data reliability, EPJ Web of Conferences 239, 01031 (2020) ND2019
Sergey Belyshev, Alexander Davydov, Dan Filipescu, Ioana Gheorghe, Boris Ishkhanov, Aleksandr Kyznetsov, Vadim Orlin, Konstantin Stopani, Hiroaki Utsunomiya, and Vladimir Varlamov2019 International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, May 19 - 24 2019, China National Convention Center - Beijing (2019) (2019)
- New Reliabile Photoneutron Reaction Data for 159Tb
Vladimir Varlamov, S. Belyshev, D. Filipescu, I. Gheorghe, B. Ishkhanov, V. Kaidarova, A. Kuznetsov, V. Orlin, K. Stopani, H. Utsunomiya, V. Varlamov2019 International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, May 19 - 24 2019, China National Convention Center - Beijing (2019)
- Photoneutron cross section measurements with a direct neutron multiplicity sorting method
I. Gheorghe, H. Utsunomiya, K. Stopani, S. Belyshev, H. Wang, G. Fan, G.M. Tveten, T. Renstrøm, T. Ari-izumi, D. Filipescu and M. Krzysiek7th Workshop on Nuclear Level Density and Gamma Strength Oslo, May 27 - 31, 2019 (2019)
- Characterization of Giant Dipole Resonance excitation at ELI-NP mode using photon probes
M. Krzysiek, Dan Filipescu, Esra Açıksöz, Luigi Capponi, Gheorghe Ciocan, Dan Ghita, Ioana Gheorghe, Franco Camera, Hiroaki Utsunomiya, and Vladimir VarlamovNuclear Photonics 2018 June 24-29, 2018 Brasov, Romania (2018)
- Feasibility study for the Gamma Above Neutron Threshold experiments at ELI-NP using GEANT4 simulations
E. Aciksoz, Dan Filipescu, Luigi Capponi, Gheorghe Ciocan, Dan Ghita, Ioana Gheorghe, Mateusz Krzysiek, Franco Camera, Hiroaki Utsunomiya, and Vladimir VarlamovNuclear Photonics 2018 June 24-29, 2018 Brasov, Romania (2018)
- γ-ray Strength Functions and GDR Cross Sections in the IAEA Photonuclear Data Project
H. Utsunomiya, I. Gheorghe, D.M. Filipescu, K. Stopani, S. Belyshev, T. Renstrøm, G.M. Tveten, S. Goriely, Y.-W. Lui, T. Ari-izumi, S. Miyamoto, V. Varlamov, B. Ishkhanov, A.C. Larsen, S. Siem6th International Workshop on Compound-Nuclear Reactions and Related Topics (2018)
M. Krzysiek, H. Utsunomiya, T. Renstrøm, G. M. Tveten, I. Gheorghe, D. M. Filipescu, S. Belyshev, K. Stopani, H. Wang, G. Fan, Y-W. Lui, D. Symochko, S. Goriely, A-C. Larsen, S. Siem, V. Varlamov, B. Ishkhanov, T. Ari-izumi, S. MiyamotoZakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics “Extremes of the Nuclear Landscape” August 26 – September 2, 2018 Zakopane, Poland (2018)
- Photoneutron measurements for IAEA CRP on updating the current photonuclear data library
I. Gheorghe, H. Utsunomiya, T. Ari-izumi, D. Takenaka, S. Belyshev, K. Stopani, V. Varlamov, D. Filipescu, M. Krzysiek, G.M. Tveten, T. Renstrøm, D. Symochko, H. Wang, G. Fan, S. MiyamotoNuclear Photonics 2018 June 24-29, 2018 Brasov, Romania (2018)
- Photoneutron measurements in the GDR region
M. Krzysiek, D. Filipescu, H. Utsunomiya, V. Varlamov, T. Kawano, F. Camera, I. Gheorghe, S. Belyshev, S. Katayama, T. Shima, K. Takahisa, S. Miyamoto, S. Amano, T. Glodariu, M. Sin, L. Capponi, E. AciksozCARPATHIAN SUMMER SCHOOL OF PHYSICS 2018 Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear / Particle Astrophysics (VII). Physics with small accelerators July 01 - 14, 2018 @ Sinaia, Romania (2018)
- A unified understanding of (γ, n) and (n, γ) reactions and direct neutron-multiplicity sorting
Hiroaki Utsunomiya, Stephane Goriely, Therese Renstrøm, Seitaro Katayama, Ioana Gheorghe, Dan Filipescu, Sergey Belyshev and Vladimir VarlamovND 2016: International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, EPJ Web of Conferences 146, 05002 (2017) (2017)
- Absolute cross sections of the Sr-86(alpha,n)Zr-89 reaction at energies of astrophysical interest
Andreea Oprea, Tudor Glodariu, Dan Filipescu, Ioana Gheorghe, Andreea Mitu, Marian Boromiza, Dorel Bucurescu, Cristian Costache, Irina Cata-Danil, Nicoleta Florea, Dan Gabriel Ghita, Alina Ionescu, Nicolae Marginean, Raluca Marginean, Constantin Mihai, Radu Mihai, Alexandru Negret, Cristina Nita, Adina Olacel, Sorin Pascu, Cristophe Sotty, Rares Suvaila, Lucian Stan, Lucian Stroe, Andreea Serban, Irina Stiru, Sebastian Toma, Andrei Turturica and Sorin UjeniucND 2016: International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, EPJ Web of Conferences 146, 01016 (2017) (2016)
- Partial photoneutron cross section measurements on 209Bi
Ioana Gheorghe, Dan Filipescu, Seitaro Katayama, Hiroaki Utsunomiya, Sergey Belyshev, Konstantin Stopani, Vladimir Varlamov, Tatsushi Shima, Yiu-Wing Lui, Sho Amano, and Shuji MiyamotoND 2016: International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, EPJ Web of Conferences 146, 01016 (2017) (2016)
- Experimental cross sections for alpha particle induced reactions on 118Sn
A. Oprea, T. Glodariu, D. M. Filipescu, I. GheorgheThe 8th European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics, Santa Tecla, Sicily, Italy,September 13-20,2015 (2015)
- Measurement of the 240Pu(n,f) cross-section at the CERN n_TOF facility: first results from EAR-2
A. Tsinganis, A. Stamatopoulos, N. Colonna, R. Vlastou, P. Schillebeeckx, A. Plompen, J. Heyse, M. Kokkoris, M. Barbagallo, E. Berthoumieux, M. Calviani, E. Chiaveri, O. Aberle, J. Andrzejewski, L. Audouin, M. Bacak, J. Balibrea-Correa, S. Barros , Becares, F. Becvar, C. Beinrucker, D. Bosnar, M. Brugger, M. Caamano, F. Calvino, D. Cano-Ott, F. Cerutti, J. Billowes, G. Cortes, M.A. Cortes-Giraldo, L. Cosentino, L. Damone, K. Deo, M. Diakaki, C. Domingo-Pardo, R. Dressler, E. Dupont, I. Duran, B. Fernandez-Dominguez, A. Ferrari, I. Ferreira-Goncalves, P. Finocchiaro, R. Frost, W. Furman, K. Gobel, S. Ganesan, A. Gheorghe, T. Glodariu, E. Gonzalez, A. Goverdovski, E. Griesmayer, C. Guerrero, F. Gunsing, H. Harada, T. Hehrich, S. Heinitz, A. Hernandez-Prieto, D. Jenkins, E. Jericha, F. Kappeler, Y. Kadi, T. Katabuchi, P. Kavrigin, V. Ketlerov, V. Khryachkov, A. Kimura, N. Kivel, M. Kritka, E. Leal-Cidoncha, C. Lederer, H. Leeb, J. Lerendegui, M. Licata, S. Lo Meo, R. Losito, D. Macina, J. Marganiec, T. Martinez, P. Mastinu, C. Massimi, M. Mastromarco, F. Matteucci, E. Mendoza, A. Mengoni, P. Milazzo, F. Mingrone, M. Mirea, S. Montesano, A. Musumarra, R. Nolte, F. Palomo-Pinto, C. Paradela, N. Patronis, A. Pavlik, J. Perkowski, I. Porras- Sanchez, J. Praena, J.M. Quesada, T. Rauscher, R. Reifarth, A. Riego-Perez, M. Robles, C. Rubbia, J. Ryan, M. Sabate-Gilarte, A. Saxena, S. Schmidt, D. Schumann, P. Sedyshev, G. Smith, P. Steinegger, S.V. Suryanarayana, G. Tagliente, J.L. Tain, A. Tarifeo-Saldivia, L. Tassan-Got, V. Valenta, G. Vannini, V. Variale, P. Vaz, A. Ventura, V. Vlachoudis, A. Wallner, S. Warren, C. Weiss, M. Weigand, T. Wright, P. Zugec14th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Varenna (Italy), Villa Monastero, June 15 – 19, 2015 (2015)
- New experimental cross sections for alpha particle induced reactions on p-nuclei
A. OPREA , T. GLODARIU, D. FILIPESCU, I. GHEORGHE, O. SIMA, D.G. GHITA, N. MARGINEAN, R. MARGINEAN, C. MIHAI, A. NEGRET, A. OLACEL,S. PASCUEuropean Nuclear Physics Conference, 31 August – September 4, 2015, Groningen, The Netherlands (2015)
- Nuclear data measurements at the upgraded neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERN
F. Gunsing, O. Aberle, J. Andrzejewski, L. Audouin, V. Becares, M. Bacak, J. Balibrea-Correa, M. Barbagallo, S. Barros, F. Becvar, C. Beinrucker, F. Belloni, E. Berthoumieux, J. Billowes, D. Bosnar, M. Brugger, M. Caamano, F. Calvino, M. Calviani, D. Cano-Ott, R. Cardella, D. M. Castelluccio, F. Cerutti, Y. Chen, E. Chiaveri, N. Colonna, M. A. Cortes-Giraldo, G. Cortes, L. Cosentino, L. Damone, K. Deo, M. Diakaki, C. Domingo-Pardo, R. Dressler, E. Dupont, I. Duran, B. Fernandez-Domínguez, A. Ferrari, P. Ferreira, P. Finocchiaro, R.J.W. Frost, V. Furman, S. Ganesan, A. Gawlik, I. Gheorghe, T. Glodariu, I. F. Goncalves, E. Gonzalez, A. Goverdovski, E. Griesmayer, C. Guerrero, K. Gobel, H. Harada, T. Heftrich, S. Heinitz, A. Hernandez-Prieto, J. Heyse, G. Jenkins, E. Jericha, F. Kappeler, Y. Kadi, T. Katabuchi, P. Kavrigin, V. Ketlerov, V. Khryachkov, A. Kimura, N. Kivel, M. Kokkoris, M. Krtika, E. Leal-Cidoncha, C. Lederer, H. Leeb, J. Lerendegui, M. Licata, S. Lo Meo, R. Losito, D. Macina, J. Marganiec, T. Martínez, C. Massimi, P. Mastinu, M. Mastromarco, F. Matteucci, E. A. Maugeri, E. Mendoza, A. Mengoni, P. M. Milazzo, F. Mingrone, M. Mirea, S. Montesano, A. Musumarra, R. Nolte, A. Oprea, F. R. Palomo Pinto, C. Paradela, N. Patronis, A. Pavlik, J. Perkowski, J. I. Porras, J. Praena, J. M. Quesada, T. Rauscher, R. Reifarth, A. Riego-Perez, M. Robles, C. Rubbia, J. A. Ryan, M. Sabate-Gilarte, A. Saxena, P. Schillebeeckx, S. Schmidt, D. Schumann, P. Sedyshev, A. G. Smith, A. Stamatopoulos , S.V. Suryanarayana, G. Tagliente, J. L. Tain, A. Tarifeno-Saldivia, L. Tassan-Got, A. Tsinganis, S. Valenta, G. Vannini, V. Variale, P. Vaz, A. Ventura, V. Vlachoudis, R. Vlastou, A. Wallner, S. Warren, M. Weigand, C. Weiss, C. Wolf, P. J. Woods, T. Wright, P. Zugec14th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Varenna (Italy), Villa Monastero, June 15 – 19, 2015 (2015)
- Nuclear physics with advanced brilliant gamma beams at ELI–NP, in EPJ Web of Conferences 107, 01002 (2016)
Calin A. Ur, Dan Filipescu, Ioana Gheorghe, Violeta Iancu, Gabriel Suliman, and Ovidiu TesileanuInternational Conference Nuclear Structure and Related Topics Dubna, Russia, July 14 - July 18, 2015 (2015)
H . Utsunomiya, S. Katayama, I. Gheorghe, S. Imai, H. Yamaguchi, D. Kahl, Y. Sakaguchi, T. Shima, K. Takahisa, S. MiyamotoThe 5th International Conference on "Collective Motion in Nuclei Under Extreme Conditions", September 14 - 18, 2015 Kraków, Poland (2015)
- Photoneutron Reactions in Nuclear Astrophysics
H. Utsunomiya, S. Goriely, D.M. Filipescu, O. Tesileanu, I. Gheorghe, T. Glodariu, H.-T. Nyhus, T. Renstrom, Y.-W. Lui, T. Shima, K. Takahisa, S. MiyamotoNUBA Conference Series - 1: Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics | Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 590 (2015) 012023 DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/590/1/012023 (2015)
- Production of medical radioisotopes by photonuclear reaction using ELI-NP gamma-ray beam
W. Luo, M. Bobeica, I. Gheorghe, D. Filipescu, D. Niculae, D. Balabanski34th Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics, September 6-13, 2015, Piaski, Poland. (2015)
- Study of nuclear collective states above neutron threshold using monochromatic γ-ray beams at ELI-NP
W. Luo, D.M. Filipescu, I. Gheorghe, C. Matei, H. Utsunomiya, F. Camera, V. Varlamov14th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Varenna, June 15 - 19, 2015 (2015)
S. Katayama, H . Utsunomiya, I. Gheorghe, S. Imai, H. Yamaguchi, D. Kahl, Y. Sakaguchi, T. Shima, K. Takahisa, S. MiyamotoThe 5th International Conference on "Collective Motion in Nuclei Under Extreme Conditions", September 14 - 18, 2015 Kraków, Poland (2015)
- Absolute photoneutron cross sections of Sm isotopes
I. Gheorghe, H. Utsunomiya, D. Filipescu, T. Glodariu , H.-T. Nyhus , T. Renstrom , O. Tesileanu, T. Shima, K. Takahisa, S. MiyamotoCARPATHIAN SUMMER SCHOOL OF PHYSICS 2014 Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear/Particle Astrophysics (V) "From nuclei to stars" July 13 - 26, 2014 @ Sinaia, Romania, AIP Conference Proceedings 1645, 327 (2015) (2014)
- First evidence of low energy enhancement in Ge isotopes, in CGS15 - CAPTURE GAMMA-RAY SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED TOPICS, in Book Series: EPJ Web of Conferences, Volume: 93, Article Number: 04003, DOI: 10.1051/epiconf/20159304003, Published: 2015
T. Renstrom, H.-T. Nyhus, H. Utsunomiya, A. C. Larsen, S. Siem, M. Guttormsen, D. M. Filipescu, I. Gheorghe, S. Goriely, L. A. Bernstein, D. L. Bleuel, T. Glodariu, A. Gorgen, T. W. Hagen, Y.-W. Lui, D. Negi, I. E. Ruud, E. Sahin, R. Schwengner, T. Shima, K. Takahisa, O. Tesileanu, T. G. Tornyi, G. M. Tveten, M. WiedekingFifteenth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics (CGS15), Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Technische Universität Dresden, August 25 to August 29, 2014 (2014)
- Geant4 simulations on Compton scattering of laser photons on relativistic electrons
D. Filipescu, H. Utsunomiya, I. Gheorghe, T. Glodariu, O. Tesileanu, T. Shima, K. Takahisa, S. MiyamotoCARPATHIAN SUMMER SCHOOL OF PHYSICS 2014 Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear/Particle Astrophysics (V) "From nuclei to stars" July 13 - 26, 2014 @ Sinaia, Romania, AIP Conference Proceedings 1645, 322 (2015) (2014)
- Photoneutron cross section measurements on Sm isotopes, in EPJ Web of Conferences 93, 020006 (2015)
D. Filipescu, H. Utsunomiya, F. Camera, H.T. Nyhus, T. Renstrom, I. Gheorghe, T. Glodariu, O. Tesileanu, S. Goriely, Y.W. Lui, T. Shima, K. Takahisa, S. MiyamotoFifteenth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics (CGS15), Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Technische Universität Dresden, August 25 to August 29, 2014 (2014)
- Properties of low-lying intruder states in Al-34 and Si-34 populated in the beta-decay of Mg-34, in AIP Conference Proceedings Volume: 1645 Pages: 363-366 DOI: 10.1063/1.4909602 Published: 2015
R. Lica, F. Rotaru, F. Negoita, S. Grevy, N. Marginean, P. Desagne, T. Stora, C. Borcea, R. Borcea, S. Calinescu, J.M. Daugas, D. Filipescu, I. Kuti, L.M. Fraile, S. Franchoo, I. Gheorghe, D.G. Ghita, R. Marginean, C. Mihai, P. Mourface, P. Morel, J. Mrazek, A. Negret, D. Pietreanu, T. Sava, D. Sohler, M. Stanoiu, I. Stefan, R. Suvaila, S. Toma, C.A. UrCARPATHIAN SUMMER SCHOOL OF PHYSICS 2014 Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear/Particle Astrophysics (V) (2014)
- Study of 82Ga populated from the beta decay of 82Zn
Ioana Gheorghe, N. Marginean, D. G. Ghita, H. Mach, L. M. Fraile, A. Aprahamian, C. Bernards, J. A. Briz, B. Bucher, C. J. Chiara, Z. Dlouhy, P. Hoff, J. Jolie, U. Koster, W. Kurcewicz, R. Lica, R. Marginean, B. Olaizola, V. Paziy, J. M. Regis, M. Rudigier, T. Sava, G. Simpson, M. Stanoiu, L. Stroe, W. B. Walters11th Russbach School on Nuclear Astrophysics, Russbach am Pass Gschutt, Austria, March 9 -15 2014 (2014)
- Systematic study of photoneutron cross sections for Sm isotopes
I. Gheorghe, H. Utsunomiya, D. Filipescu, T. Glodariu, O. Tesileanu, H.T. Nyhus, T. Rens trøm, T. Shima, K. Takahisa, Y.-W. Lui,S. MiyamotoIInd Topical Workshop on Modern Aspects in Nuclear Structure, 19 - 22 February 2014, BORMIO, Italy (2014)
- Absolute Cross Sections for proton induced reactions on 147,149Sm below Coulomb barrier
I. Gheorghe, D. Filipescu, T. Glodariu, D. Bucurescu, G. Cata-Danil, I. Cata-Danil, D. Deleanu, D. Ghita, M. Ivascu, R. Lica, N. Marginean, R. Marginean, C. Mihai, A. Negret, T. Sava, L. Stroe, S. Toma, O. Sima and M. Sin2013 International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, New York, USA (2013)
- Search for particle-vibration coupling in Cu-65, in EPJ Web of Conferences Volume: 66 Article Number: 02011 DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/20146602011 Published: 2014
Bocchi G., Leoni S., Bracco A., Bottoni S., Benzoni G., Colo G., Marginean N.M., Bucurescu D., Cata-Danil G., Cata-Danil I., Deleanu D., Filipescu D., Gheorghe I., Ghita D.G., Glodariu T., Lica R., Mihai C., Marginean R., Negret A., Nita C.R., Sava T., Stroe L., Toma S., Suvaila R., Ur C.A.International Nuclear Physics Conference INPC2013, 2-7 Iunie 2013, Florenta, Italia (2013)
I. GHEORGHE, N. MARGINEAN, D. FILIPESCU10th International Student Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Istanbul University, Science Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey, September 3-5, 2013 (2013)
- Beta decay of 82Zn
I. Gheorghe, R. Licǎ, N. Mărginean, D. G. Ghiţă, H. Mach, L. M. Fraile, A. Aprahamian, C. Bernards, J. A. Briz, B. Bucher, C. J. Chiara, Z. Dlouhý, P. Hoff, J. Jolie, U. Köster, W. Kurcewic, R. Mărginean, B. Olaizola, V. Paziy, J. M. Régis, M. Rudigier, T. Sava, G. Simpson, M. Stănoiu, L. Stroe and W. B. Walters 8th BALKAN SCHOOL ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS, BLAGOEVGRAD, Bulgaria, 03 – 12 July 2012 (2012)
- Beta decay of 82Zn
I. Gheorghe, N. Marginean, R. Lica , D.G. Ghita , H. Mach, L.M. Fraile, A. Aprahamian, C. Bernards, J.A. Briz, B. Bucher, C. Chiara, Z. Dlouhy, P. Hoff, J. Jolie, U. Koster, W. Kurcewic, R. Marginean, B. Olaziola, V. Paziy, J.M. Regis, M. Rudigier, T. Sava, G. Simpson, M. Stanoiu, L. Stroe, W. WaltersISOLDE Workshop and Users meeting 2012, 17-19 Dec. 2012, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (2012)
- Experimental cross sections for alpha particle induced reactions on tin isotopes
T. Glodariu, D. Filipescu, V. Avrigeanu, C. Mihai, L. Stroe, M. Ivascu, I. Cata-Danil, O. Sima, D. Bucurescu, G. Cata-Danil, D. Deleanu, I. Gheorghe, D.G. Ghita, N. Marginean, R. Marginean, A. Negret, S. Pascu, T. Sava, G. Suliman, N.V. Zamfir2nd European Nuclear Physics Conference, 16-21 Sept. 2012, Bucharest, Romania (2012)
- Experimental Cross Sections for proton induced reactions on 147Sm and 149Sm
I. Gheorghe, D. Filipescu, M. Sin, T. Glodariu, C. Mihai, D. Bucurescu, M. Ivascu, I. Cata-Danil, L. Stroe, O. Sima, G. Cata-Danil, D. Deleanu, D. G. Ghita, N. Marginean, R. Marginean, A. Negret, S. Pascu, T. Sava, G. Suliman, and N. V. Zamfir2nd European Nuclear Physics Conference, 16-21 Sept. 2012, Bucharest, Romania (2012)
- Fast-Timing Measurements in 103,105Pd
D. Ivanov, S. Lalkovski, S. Kisyov, N. Marginean, D. Balabanski, D. Bucurescu, R.B. Cakirli, M.P. Carpenter, R. Casten, Gh.Cata-Danil, I. Cata-Danil, D. Deleanu, D. Filipescu, I. Gheorghe, D. Ghita, T. Glodariu, F.G. Kondev, R. Marginean, C. Mihai, A. Negret, S. Pascu, T. Sava, E. Stefanova, L. Stroe, G. Suliman, R. Suvaila, N.V. Zamfir31st International Workshop on Nuclear Theory, Rila Mountains, 24-30 Iunie, Bulgaria, 2012 (2012)
- Half-life Measurements of Excited States in 132Te, 134Xe
O.J. Roberts, A.M. Bruce, F. Browne, N.Marginean, T. Alexander, T. Alharbi, D. Bucurescu, D. Deleanu, D. Delion, D. Filipescu, L. Fraile, I. Gheorghe, D. Ghita, T. Glodariu, D. Ivanova, S. Kisyov, R. Marginean, P.J.R. Mason, C. Mihai, K. Mulholland , A. Negret, C. Nita, B. Olaizola, S. Pascu, P-A. Soderstrom, P.H. Regan, T. Sava, L. Stroe, S. Toma, C. Townsley4th Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics – Extremes of the Nuclear Landscape, 27 aug-2 sept 2012, Poland (2012)
- Improved level scheme for 80Ga from the beta decay of 80Zn
R. Lica, N. Marginean, D. Ghita, H. Mach, L. Fraile, C. Bernards, J. Briz, B. Bucher, C. Chiara, Z. Dlouhy, I. Gheorghe, P. Hoff, J. Jolie, U. Koster, W. Kurcewic, R. Marginean, B. Olaziola, V. Paziy, J. Regis, M. Rudigier, T. Sava, G. Simpson, M. Stanoiu, L. Stroe, W. Walters2nd European Nuclear Physics Conference, 16-21 Sept. 2012, Bucharest, Romania (2012)
- Li-7-Induced Reactions for Fast-Timing With LaBr3:Ce Detectors
Mason, PJR; Podolyak, Z; Marginean, NM; Regan, PH; Alexander, T; Algora, A; Alharbi, T; Bowry, M; Britton, R; Bucurescu, D; Bruce, AM; Bunce, M; Cata-Danil, G; Cata-Danil, I; Cooper, N; Deleanu, D; Delion, D; Filipescu, D; Gelletly, W; Glodariu, T; Gheorghe, I; Ghita, D; Ilie, G; Ivanova, D; Kisyov, S; Lalkovski, S; Lica, R; Liddick, SN; Marginean, R; Mihai, C; Mulholland, K; Negret, A; Nita, CR; Rice, S; Roberts, OJ; Sava, T; Smith, JF; Soderstrom, PA; Stevenson, PD; Stroe, L; Toma, S; Townsley, C; Werner, V; Wilson, E; Wood, RT; Zamfir, NV; Zhekova, MNuclear Structure and Dynamics 2012, 9-13 Iulie 2012, Croatia (2012)
- Lifetime measurements by Doppler methods at the Bucharest TANDEM accelerator
C. Mihai, A. Pasternak, D. Bucurescu, D. Filipescu, S. Pascu, G. Cata-Danil, I. Cata-Danil, D. Deleanu, D. Ghita, T. Glodariu, N. Marginean, R. Marginean, A. Negret, T. Sava, L. Stroe, G. Suliman, I. Gheorghe, R. Lica, S. Toma, N. Zamfir, M. Ivascu2nd European Nuclear Physics Conference, 16-21 Sept. 2012, Bucharest, Romania (2012)
- Low-Lying Isomeric State in 80Ga From the β- Decay of 80Zn
R. Licǎ, N. Mărginean, D. G. Ghiţă, H. Mach, L. M. Fraile, A. Aprahamian, C. Bernards, J. A. Briz, B. Bucher, C. J. Chiara, Z. Dlouhý, I. Gheorghe, P. Hoff, J. Jolie, U. Köster, W. Kurcewic, R. Mărginean, B. Olaizola, V. Paziy, J. M. Régis, M. Rudigier, T. Sava, G. Simpson, M. Stănoiu, L. Stroe, and W. B. WaltersNuclear Structure and Dynamics 2012, 9-13 Iulie 2012, Croatia (2012)
- Present and future opportunities for gamma ray spectroscopy at the Bucharest Tandem Accelerator
D. Filipescu, C. Mihai, N. Marginean, D. Bucurescu, D. Ghita, N. Zamfir, M. Ivascu, G. Cata-Danil, D. Balabanski, P. Regan, T. Glodariu, R. Marginean, D. Deleanu, S. Pascu, A. Negret, G. Suliman, T. Sava, I. Cata-Danil, L. Stroe, Z. Podolyak, A. Bruce, P. Mason, S. Lalkovski, S. Kisyov, T. Alharbi, I. Gheorghe, R. Lica, S. Toma, C. Nita, C. A. Ur2nd European Nuclear Physics Conference, 16-21 Sept. 2012, Bucharest, Romania (2012)
- Structure of Ga-81 populated from the beta(-) Decay of Zn-81, in AIP Conference Proceedings Volume: 1541 Pages: 185-186 DOI: 10.1063/1.4810839 Published: 2013
V. Paziy, H. Mach, L.M. Fraile, A. Aprahamian, C. Bernards, J.A. Briz, B. Bucher, C.J. Chiara, Z. Dlouhy, I. Gheorghe, D. Ghita, P Hoff, U. Koester, W. Kurcewicz, R. Lica, N. Marginean, R. Marginean, B. Olaizola, J.M. Regis, M. Rudigier, T. Sava, G. Simpson, M. Stanoiu, L. Stroe, J.M. Udias, W.B. WaltersInternational Scientific Meeting on Nuclear Physics (La Rabida), LA RABIDA 2012 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS: BASIC CONCEPTS IN NUCLEAR PHYSICS: THEORY, EXPERIMENTS, AND APPLICATIONS (2012)